About the Obama Department of Justice, in 2014, the left-of-center Politico wrote a piece called “A Lame Civil Rights Record”: “Indeed, a comprehensive review of all available records shows that the nature of the cases brought by the (civil rights) division has not differed much from the Bush administration.
No. 5: During the Obama administration, the following black suspects were either killed by the police or died in police custody: Trayvon Martin (by neighborhood watchman) Michael Brown, Alton Sterling, Laquan McDonald, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, Sandra Bland, Philando Castile and Tamir Rice.
In the case of Garner, the Obama DOJ left the decision to the Trump administration, which declined to file civil rights charges against the NYPD officers involved in Garner’s death.
No. 4: Consider the following fact pattern about a recent shooting and killing of an “unarmed” suspect Rayshard Brooks by the Atlanta police: (Black) suspect resists, takes (white) cop’s taser, points it at cop and gets shot and killed.
No. 2: Thomas Sowell sees a massive gap between the reality of racism and the perception of racism: “We have now reached the point where virtually everything that serves black ‘leaders’ — dependency, grievance-hunting, racial hype and paranoia — are major disservices to the cause of advancing blacks, at a time when their opportunities have never been better.”