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Thank you, corporate Trinidad - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: It’s a sentiment shared by many: the relentless stream of negative news floods our social media feeds, showcasing the darker side of Trinidad’s reality.

Yet, during this bombardment of violence and conflict, a shimmer of positivity emerged with the conclusion of the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) examination, an academic milestone eagerly awaited by students since their earliest days.

What truly stood out, what’s truly worth spotlighting, is how the corporate community in Trinidad stepped up to acknowledge the students’ hard work, showering them with freebies and discounts once they presented their SEA slips.

Most, accompanied by their proud parents, the children embarked on an elated journey from one establishment to the next, indulging in treats ranging from ice cream and cake to wholesome children’s meals and slices of pizza, generously provided by businesses large and small.

Even the credit unions joined the cause, contributing to the collective effort to uplift and reward these hard-working students.

This outpouring of support provided a much-needed silver lining for many SEA candidates, who were not only dealing with academic stresses but also seeing firsthand the frightening events developing around the country.

The sight of these young faces adorned with beaming smiles, laughter, and an aura of innocence was truly heartening. Their laughter trickled down to the grumpiest of souls, infectiously sharing their joy. For a brief moment, they set aside the burdens and anxieties that had weighed heavily on their shoulders in the lead-up to this significant day.

It was a much-needed reminder that, during life’s trials and tribulations, there always exists a collective capacity for kindness and generosity capable of illuminating even the darkest of times. This is who we are.

In celebrating their achievements, corporate Trinidad demonstrated what makes us Trini. We were reminded of the power of community and compassion.

This is a unique bedrock quality embedded in the fabric of who we are; to uplift spirits and instill hope, even in the darkest of times. So, thank you to everyone who helped make this a reality for the SEA students. It’s never too late to say thanks.

In this case, we have to give Jack his jacket – corporate Trinidad did well.



The post Thank you, corporate Trinidad appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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