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The covid19 formula - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: In the wild west before the institutionalisation of incarceration, bounty hunters roamed the planet in search of outlaws. Before searching for their prey they educated themselves about the personalities they were after, learnt of their hideouts and the strategies to lure them into the open.

This is a hint for the virologist, medical expert, scientist and politician to beef up their approach to pursue covid19.

Only three blind mice would dispute that wearing a mask, distancing oneself six feet from other beings and sanitising hands are adequate strategies. These absurdities assume that covid19 cannot count, is afraid of moisture and is immobile.

Unable to find the needle in the haystack, the scientists have guessed that a vaccine is the panacea.

Luckily, when Mother Nature invited man to the planet she instituted checks and balances to ensure that man did not have permission to mash up the place. Each living organism was fitted with an alarm system and an arsenal, called the immune system, with the responsibility to enhance itself, the ability to detect any chemical or creature that will threaten its existence and the capability to destroy such entities.

If this is so, do we really need a vaccine? Will it insulate humans against or destroy covid19? It is neither. It is intended to activate the immune system faster to meet the current crisis. But this is exactly what nature will do in due course through the immune system. Yes, if nature is hustled, be prepared for disastrous consequences for she will respond appropriately. It is this protective attribute of nature that has prevented the majority of the world's population from being afflicted.

Other behaviours that are accommodating covid19 are 'playing the fool' and 'family gatherings' as suggested by PM Dr Rowley and Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh, respectively.

To these absurdities I would like to add the use of money in the trading of goods and services. This is the only magic carpet ride that the lockdown has not interrupted. Covid19 has become untouchable as our perceived lifeline (money) is allowing it right of passage.

Before all is said and done and the cycle completed, education about diseases is essential - their occurrences, timing, duration, prevention, seasons, precautions and remission. The public is intelligent enough to understand and appreciate that everyone is charged with the responsibility for sustaining health and well-being.

If 'palancing' without a mask, breathing fresh air, mingling, receiving healing and caring touch and reciprocating and washing hands under normal circumstances are wrong, then I don't want to right.

Here is a health and wellness formula I will share with the world, especially the bounty hunters of covid19, one that has been tried, tested and met nature's approval for five decades and counting:

Rise and set with the glorious sun

Bask in it till the day is done.

In season eat whate

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