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There's grave danger in the Government’s economy plan - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: The Prime Minister recently did a review of the Government's economy arrangements. It was not a notice of changes and it did not admit any miscalculation or misstep. Instead it was delivered to show that the Government purposes to remain on track.

The PM also did not clarify the more important aspects and fine print, so we could know what persisting through really will mean. Basically it was, "Hope for the best."

A good figure for Government economic policy is Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea: aged and sea-wise fisherman catches the fish of his dreams by himself but can't haul it aboard; he has to lash it to the side of the boat and row single-handedly back to shore; on the way the prize is devoured by assailing predator ocean scavengers.

The PM boasts of being the MP in longest "service" to the nation and yet he can not see that what he is doing has to be undone and reversed; so that the longer he does it, the more demanding and risky the rectification will be, for the nation and the economy.

If this is to be pre-empted, what TT has to understand is that the only peaceful course of action is for two PNM MPs to abandon their support and imperil the Government's command of the Parliament.

Hemingway's book is a fiction and the feeling of anti-climax and disappointment can easily be dismissed. But what the PNM is doing is real and when the final results set in for TT, they will bring intense pain, even strife.


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