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Time to tackle perception bias - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Improve your awareness to reduce workplace discrimination.

It is an uncomfortable truth, but we all carry biases that can affect decisions we make in both our personal and professional lives.

Largely unconscious, perception bias plays out as a range of shortcuts that we use to help us make sense of the world, allowing us to understand a person, event or situation more quickly.

Being shortcuts, however, these can lead to inaccurate or partial impressions.

In the workplace, perception bias is often deep-rooted and highly consequential.

"It’s when an individual perceives another person’s abilities, character or any other trait based on superficial qualities and learned assumptions regarding certain stereotypes of a particular group," says Nancy Drees, CEO and founder of talent-acquisition consultant Vacaré Group.

Comparison trap

Stuart McCalla, a managing partner at Evolution – a coaching, culture and leadership-development firm – argues that we might perceive an individual’s trustworthiness because they remind us of a loved one.

"So we will give that person more empathy or chances because we believe that person is good and deserving. The flip side is that we can limit or overlook an individual contributor or co-worker for praise, advancement or mentorship because they don’t match what we think we see of them.

"For example, Ravi will see two people in front of him and decide that Maria is more capable because she looks like a friend he trusts, and he perceives her as smart and capable. Whereas Suzanna seems like a schoolteacher that Ravi remembers was hard on him, so he automatically is withdrawn or combative."

Now expand on these examples to include how we each perceive race, age, gender, nationalities, cultures, names, accents, how someone is dressed, their haircut, how they move and so on.

These can conjure unique and highly subjective fears, beliefs or expectations, which can influence how we react, interact and make decisions.

The repercussions from perception bias in the workplace can be far-reaching, resulting in a lack of diversity, discrimination, weak retention and recruitment, unfair promotion, remuneration imbalances and poor company culture.

"It can hold skilled employees and candidates back from being considered for growth opportunities and promotions," Drees says. "The organisation may also be affected by the bias because less qualified employees may be hired or promoted based on perceptions rather than skills and abilities."

Recruitment risk

In the recruitment process, bias can start as early as the first review of a CV before even speaking with or seeing a candidate face-to-face.

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Drees notes that many hiring managers and interviewers make candidate selection decisions with "in-group" bias, tending to hire similar candidates – in age, education level, race, gender and so on – to existing employees.

"If this bias exists within an organisation, the result can be a lack of diversity and discr

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