LOCAL telecoms provider TSTT says it is concerned about some aspects of Wednesday’s ruling by the High Court, which held it was legally obligated to implement fixed number portability (FNP).
Once implemented, fixed-landline customers can change their service provider without changing their phone number.
In a release on Thursday, TSTT said it was also concerned about certain statements Justice Frank Seepersad made in his ruling.
“TSTT is carefully considering all of its options," it said, "including whether or not to appeal.”
Seepersad said citizens deserve an open telecommunications market characterised by competitiveness of price, quality and service.”
He said monopolistic operations should be discouraged and the ability of a customer to change service providers but retain the same fixed-line telephone number was paramount.
The judge was presiding over a judicial review claim brought by Columbus Communications Trinidad Ltd (CCTL) against the Telecommunications Authority (TATT), complaining of the authority’s failure to act on TSTT’s non-compliance and calling on it to exercise its statutory power to compel the state-owned telecoms provider to implement FNP.
It was argued that while TSTT has configured its equipment to permit FNP, it has not permitted CCTL or other operators to access its system. TSTT was made a party to the proceedings by order of the judge.
In its statement, TSTT pointed out that the court made no mandatory order against it.
“The court granted none of the relief sought by CCTL and further considered that no practical purpose would be achieved by making any of the declarations sought by CCTL.”
TSTT said it was “mindful of the important role that it and all other stakeholders play in the national telecommunications industry,” and was” committed to ensuring that its customers and the general public benefit from the rollout of number portability in a manner that is fair, transparent, and lawful.”
TATT chief executive Cynthia Reddock-Downes said with the court’s ruling, the implementation of FNP was one step closer to implementation.
A statement from the regulatory body also said, “TATT intends to move promptly to implement fixed number portability and work with TSTT and other fixed telecommunications service providers towards that goal.”