Tyler Perry’s new Netflix series has announced its cast, including Debbi Morgan, Richard Lawson, Taylor Polidore Williams, Crystle Stewart and 14 others. Perry will write, direct and produce the 16-episode, hour-long series Beauty in the Black, under his creative partnership with the streamer. Beauty in Black will star Taylor Polidore Williams, Amber Reign Smith, Crystle Stewart, Ricco Ross, Debbi Morgan, Richard Lawson, Steven G. Norfleet, Julian Horton, Terrell Carter and Shann on Wallace. Also starring are Bryan Tanaka, Joy Rovaris, Xavier Smalls, Charles Malik Whitfield, Tamera “Tee” Kissen, Ursula O. Robinson, Ashley Versher and George Middlebrook. The series follows Kimmie (Williams) and Mallory (Stewart) two Black women whose lives become intertwined. According to the logline, “While Kimmie is struggling to make a living after her mother kicked her out, and Mallory is running a successful business, they find themselves entangled in each other’s lives.” Some of the other...