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Unleashing the Blue Economy in the Caribbean (UBEC) Project Draft Document Review

Unleashing the Blue Economy in the Caribbean (UBEC) Project

Draft Document Review


The UBEC Project, financed by the World Bank, is designed to strengthen the enabling environment for the blue economy and to enhance resilience of selected coastal infrastructure in and across Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada. UBEC is to be implemented by means of a Series of Projects (SOP) in participating countries. The project will be focused across three key sectors, for all participating countries: tourism, fisheries & aquaculture and waste management. One of the goals of the project is to achieve improved competitiveness in these three sectors in all participating countries as economic activity has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in these areas.


Consequently and as part of the stakeholder outreach initiative under the project, the following four (4) documents have been drafted to encapsulate how the project will manage various sub-components that have direct impact on people, livelihoods and the nation:


- Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)

- Resettlement and Process Framework (RPF); and

- Labour Management Procedures (LPM)

- Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)


The National Integrated Planning and Programme (NIPP) Unit of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Youth Economy thus solicits feedback on the draft documents as part of the stakeholder outreach activity. All feedback/ questions and or queries may be emailed directly to the NIPP at nippunit@gmail.com


Alternatively, you may wish to submit feedback directly by selecting and completing the below feedback forms for respective draft documents.    Please see the link below for published PDFs on the Finance website. https://www.finance.gov.lc/programmes/view/132    

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