All unvaccinated staff at private hospitals across Trinidad and Tobago will soon be required to provide weekly PCR tests.
A joint statement said private hospitals are aiming to have all staff vaccinated by September 1.
It said, "We the undersigned private hospitals have all agreed as providers of healthcare to the vulnerable population that we have an obligation to provide a safe environment for their treatment and care.”
The participating hospitals are Cross Crossing Medical Centre, Gulf View Medical Centre, Medical Associates, Southern Medical Clinic, St Augustine Private Hospital, Surgimed, Victoria Nursing Home and West Shore Medical Private Hospital.
It gave as the reason for this requirement: “While we respect each person’s right to make decisions regarding one’s own health choices, we have all agreed that all unvaccinated employees without medically supported evidence for an exemption will be required to submit weekly PCR covid19 test results to their respective human resource departments with effect from September 1.”
The statement said the decision was not taken lightly.
“We understand the cost factors involved, but the safety of people accessing private hospitals and their families are our first priority.”