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Valuing our tourism assets - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Whether we are monarchists or not, it is right and fitting that we pay homage to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who this weekend is marking her platinum jubilee - 70 years as the monarch, on the throne since 1952, the first British royal to achieve such a milestone.

It is a remarkable landmark of dedication, resilience and staying power for anyone. Like our President, the queen has no real power, yet she commands great authority, and we would be mistaken to believe that their roles are not without subtle political influence. The trick is ensuring that they are never seen as being political or that their actions or words, in any way, cross the acceptable line.

Not many politicians could hope to pull off what QEII has managed to, not sustainedly over seven decades, especially during the difficult 1990s and the periods of active anti-monarchy sentiment and all the seedy and news-grabbing family scandals and intrigues that continue and change in nature, most recently the quickening tempo of holding the royal family to account for its connection to slavery.

Increasingly, the effects of the pernicious system that endured for centuries are being acknowledged as still deep-seated in psyches in Britain and in former colonies, along with the long-lasting economic impact. Let's see where that goes once the younger royals get into the hot seat.

In an interview I conducted for the BBC with former king of Spain Juan Carlos, he insisted that a monarchy is only as viable as the person on the throne. He did not keep his own counsel, but the Spanish monarchy, with Juan Carlos's reigning son trying to clean up the mess his father made, seems to be just about weathering the storm.

Difficult days lie ahead for the Windsors too.

One of the arguments for the existence of Britain's royal family is the fact that its members and the institution itself, with its palaces, art collection and memorabilia, constitutes a great tourist attraction and provide enormous revenue for the state coffers. They are the source of all the old-fashioned pomp and circumstance that draw thousands, if not millions, of international visitors annually.

The current British Minister for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, Nadine Dorries, remarked in a BBC jubilee interview that the mass celebrations are what Britain does best, which is only partly true. She is also the person who totally misguidedly wants to dismantle the BBC, another great British creation and institution, established in 1922 and 30 years older than the jubilee; but let's be guided by her on the mass culture issue. She made me wonder about what it is that we do best as a tourism destination in Trinidad and also Tobago.

We seem pleased that the eco-unfriendly cruise liners are returning to the Port of Spain harbour this year, but what exactly will passengers rush to experience in our once-charming capital city? Pray, close your eyes and imagine you have stepped off a ship onto this well-endowed land where the verdant mountains hold promise but, sadly, you are only here for

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