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Watching from a distance? - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: The almost daily murders have become as common as doubles in TT. The failure of government to do basics like ensure a reliable water supply in all communities, repair our roads and secure our neighbourhoods are now as acceptable as higher fuel prices.

While there is a plethora of intelligent people throughout our country, we have come to accept the dearth of competent people in governance. These things are not normal for a sagacious society.

Why is TT going through a period of what many see as darkness? Perhaps it may be pertinent to speculate and review past events for some sense of direction.

There was a time in TT when, after a tie in the general election result, an individual was given the sceptre of leadership on moral and spiritual grounds. Immediately after he formed an ecclesiastical ministry. Things got better and at the next election the leader won handsomely. Thereafter the ministry was absorbed into the Office of the PM.

It is reported that the then PM had the services of a prophetess who guided him spiritually. When challenged in Parliament about a church for her, rather than say it was normal for governments to grant land to churches, like one did for the Baptist community in Trincity, he denied knowledge of the allegations of the opposition.

Thereafter he lost office, and the rest is history.

Could there be some spiritual influences that guide a nation and its leaders? Is it possible that when leaders fail morally and spiritually the nation suffers? Could the wave of criminal activities, murders and indifference to human life be as a result of a spiritual degeneration?

If a people becomes so absorbed in immorality that seeing young men lying in a pool of blood does not disturb the community, seeing women abused publicly doesn't cause outrage, and children murdered for simply being in the wrong place is normal, could it be a result of declining spiritual and moral values?

There are countries where churches were destroyed and people became more and more atheistic. The result was a poor quality of life, decayed morals and various levels of anarchy.

Perhaps the time has come for those who believe in a creator, who uphold a belief in some level of spirituality to stand up and support moral leaders, people who dare to stand up for their faith in the universal equality of man, in love for humanity and respect for nature.

Perhaps it's time for basics like a greeting to a neighbour, respect for our women, protection for our children and a return to prayers to become common place again.

If TT is to get past this period that some see as darkness, it will be up to the individuals to return to moral and spiritual values or the decay will continue unabated. Perhaps there is a spiritual entity that watches and judges.


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The post Watching from a distance? appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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