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What would a covid19 audit prove? - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: The general election of 2025 will prove to be the ultimate political litmus test: which party can really stand and deliver political truth?

The rampant crime, in my unsolicited view, is part of a global descent into hell brought about by the impacts of both covid19 and the war in Ukraine. Crime in TT did not start overnight but it certainly got incrementally worse, if one can be realistic.

The drugs, the guns, the human trafficking, the wars for political supremacy have left the entire world inhaling criminally foul air.

The world is sinking in protestations about high food prices and unemployment. We are living in a science fiction movie showing in all countries with free tickets for all human participants.

Why must the TT sitting opposition, the UNC, now be asking for an audit of monies spent over covid19? No amount of money should be questioned when coming to attempts to save the lives of citizens.

Did we spend too much or too little?

Will the deceased care? Will they come back from the grave to point fingers at the Government, asking why did you not do better? Why did the Government not force all citizens to be vaccinated?

Why does a tiny nation of 1.4 million have so many citizens with comorbidities, making them vulnerable to the virus?

Why did the wealthy First World nations avail themselves of tranches of the vaccines when they became available?

Could any other government have prevented covid19 deaths? We will never know because it cannot be proven unless you start from day one.

Will the relatives of the deceased change voting allegiance based on a politically motivated audit by an opposition grasping at hairs in order to win the upcoming general election?

If the population can be fooled into proving, beyond any reasonable doubt, about who loves you more than whom, will there be mental satisfaction, if nothing else?

Playing politics with a deathly virus is just so very, very sick and totally disgusting.


Diego Martin

The post What would a covid19 audit prove? appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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