The latest case of vandals destroying Black Lives Matter murals was seen on Sunday in Ypsilanti, Michigan, where a white supremacist group painted over the saying which serves as a rallying cry for social justice advocates around the world. According to Click On Detroit, the perpetrators are identified as Patriot Front, a racist, anti-Semitic group. The white supremacists destroyed one of the two 260-foot murals painted by members of the community earlier this year. White paint now covers the Black Lives Matter sign, which was unveiled to the public on Juneteenth after dozens of volunteers worked together to complete the project. “The damage speaks for itself on the amount of hatred they had to produce something like that,” Trische’ Duckworth, a community organizer and activist, said. Duckworth added that she was not surprised by the heinous act. “Before we even did this we knew it was a possibility,” she said. “What shocked me is they didn’t do it sooner, to be honest. This is...