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Wrong day to hold Diego celebration - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: Every time the Government decides to do something it turns out to be totally inane.

Diego Martin celebrated its first anniversary as a borough on Friday last. In celebration of this a parade was planned. None of the residents of New Yalta was consulted and on the day of celebration what seemed as the entire TT police force descended on us. (That would have been a good time for bandits to do their thing all over the rest of the island.) The Diego Martin Main Road was closed from Victoria Gardens to Sierra Leone Road and all the side roads between those two points.

Like a good citizen I went to pay national insurance and PAYE and upon returning I had to travel all along the Diego Martin Highway to Sierra Leone Road in an attempt to get to my home located in the New Yalta area.

At Sierra Leone Road I was stopped by an officer. I explained I lived in the area and I could not enter at any of the other entries. He paid no heed to my plea and simply told me that I could not return to my home before the ceremonies were concluded.

It would have made more sense to have the parade along the highway and allow traffic along the DM Main Road and Morne Coco Road, thus allowing residents access to and from their homes.

What if I had an emergency at home, maybe a sick relative in need of medical attention?

What if the 31 businesses, not including those in the West Bees complex along the main road not been able to carry on their trade for half a day?

Wouldn't it have made more sense to celebrate it two days later on Sunday when fewer people would be inconvenienced?

Nothing this Government does ever makes sense. Is it any wonder we are still a Third World country?


Diego Martin

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