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(1993) Clarence Thomas, “The New Intolerance - Law Day Address”

Thank you all so much. Thank you, Judge Bell for your kind words, and I also thank you for all the kind things youve done for me in my life, especially over the last three or four years. I -- This is a real pleasure to be here. I didnt thing so many people would be interested in what I had to say. There isnt that great a demand for my opinions.

As you all can see, I kinda had to hobble up here. I had decided to play basketball with my law clerks and snapped my Achilles tendon. If that wasnt bad enough, I also tore it. But I was looking around for some precedent as to what happens to people after theyve injured their Achilles tendon, and in looking I found that some very good things happen. Dominique Wilkins is the second leading scorer in the NBA. And he also makes several million dollars a year, so I may be changing jobs after this heals.

Its wonderful to be in Macon, Georgia. I grew up on the music of James Brown. I think he was born here and Im sure he always hails from Augusta. And, of course, theres Little Richard who did a little bit of everything. Hes quite an entertainer. I had a young mother. Thats why I listened to all these things. I was a little kid. And, of course, when I went off to school Otis Redding was hot -- (Sittin on) the Dock of the Bay. So, I am very pleased to be in the hometown of -- Lena Horne, of course, is from here and there are all sorts of other wonderful people. I just happen to remember those, and people I think so well of.

It is good to be back in Georgia. Its good to be back in my home state. I look forward to this day -- have looked forward for a long time. I thank, again, Judge Bell and my dear friend Larry Thompson for their role in my presence here today. Larry and I met -- as Judge Bell alluded to -- we met some 19 years ago in a Bar Review course, while preparing for the Missouri Bar. That was in the summer of 1974. And we went on to work together in the Law Department of Monsanto Company in St. Louis. Id also like to thank Dean Shelton for inviting me and

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