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The Speech that Made Obama President

In 2004, a one-term senator from Illinois took the stage to deliver the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention in Boston. By the time Barack Obama had finished speaking, Democrats across the country knew they had seen the future of their party.

Political speech experts featured in this episode include:

Michael A. Cohen

Author, Live From The Campaign Trail

Mario Cuomo

Former Governor of New York

Robert Lehrman

Chief Speechwriter for Vice President Gore and Professor of Speechwriting, American University

Charlton McIlwain

Professor of Communication, New York University

Jeff Shesol

Speechwriter for President Clinton and Founding Partner, West Wing Writers

PODIUM is a bi-weekly series that embraces the art of public speaking and honors those with something to say. From historic political speeches, to contemporary commencement addresses, to wedding toasts, the series explores various genres of speechmaking and provides inspiring, insightful analysis including how-to content.

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