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5,000-6,000 covid deathswithout ‘herd immunity’ - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: It is widely believed by epidemiologists that the covid19 virus will be around for a very long time. Presently, we are witnessing an alarming escalation of cases in our country, which comes as no surprise.

For decades there has been speculation about TT's unpreparedness to deal with a health hazard of immense proportions. Sad to say that today we are the consumers of sour grapes due to the failure and innate inability of the State to take strong affirmative action to mitigate the spread of the deadly virus.

A humongous part of our problem lies in our unprotected porous borders that permit easy entry of illegal immigrants. From the borders they proceed to remote areas of the country like ants in want of sweet mouth- watering goodies. To this day no concerted attempt has been made to deter them from entering. How long must this situation persist?

Trinidadians/Tobagonians are by nature a happy, easy-going people with a passion for festivities. Unfortunately, the much discussed April fiasco in Tobago has taken us many steps towards the fatal virus. As can be gleaned from the graphs of epidemiologists.

Noticeably, the rising cases in Tobago also attest to the fact that a serious blunder of encouragement for Trinidadians to vacation there had been served by our Prime Minister, who also contracted the disease. Nevertheless, we must agree that many of our citizens must also be blamed for the spread of the disease by their blatant refusal to comply with the protocols.

For how long can our businesses remain closed? Thousands of our citizens are fast becoming members of the penniless posse. They need to be expeditiously employed to provide meaningfully for their families.

On another serious note, when does the Government expect to achieve 'herd immunity' when the acquisition and roll-out of the vaccine tends to be slow? This isn't a good signal and spells hell for our citizens.

Approximately 250 people died form the virus in May. Some patients have to wait three to four days under tents before they can be sent to other venues. There are only 24 ventilators for the whole country. Approximately 700 covid19 patients are in home quarantine, thereby infecting members of their families. Why must this be for a country that is rich in oil and gas and rated with distinction on the Caribbean economic index?

Apparently, citizens of our country have been unconsciously and helplessly led to the covid19 slaughter house. How scary.

Given the fact that there is usually about 500-600 cases a day, it signifies that at the end of a month there'll be approximately 15,000-18,000 infected people. If we fail to achieve 'herd immunity,' the number of infected people may well surpass a quarter of a million and the number of deaths is likely to be 5,000-6,000.

We must continue praying and hoping for the protection of all citizens. At the same time, the Government must undertake its role most seriously.


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