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Africa's top virus deaths: Veteran Congolese photo-journalist 'shutters'

While each death is reported with a sombre mood and with condolences to affected families, some of the casualties have united a country in grief, in other cases united the continent and people beyond Africa’s borders.

This article briefly profiles as many casualties as possible:

June 21: Veteran AP video, photo-journalist in Congo dies of COVID-19

John Bompengo, who covered Congo’s political turmoil as a freelance photographer and video journalist for The Associated Press over the course of 16 years has died, relatives said Sunday.

Somalia COVID-19 stats: May 11 at 7:00 GMT:

Confirmed cases = 1054

Number of deaths = 51

Recoveries = 118

May 2: Nigerien minister succumbs to virus

Coronavirus caused the death of Niger’s minister of employment and labour, Mohamed Ben Omar, public television announced Monday after several media outlets had linked his death to the virus.

READ MORE – Niger Labour Minister dies from virus

April 28: Revered Kenyan Bishop dies in Italy

Media in Kenya earlier this week reported the death of a former Catholic Bishop who died of COVID-19 in the Italian city of Turin.

Major African stats: May 1 at 7:00 GMT:

Confirmed cases = 38,825

Number of deaths = 1,634

Recoveries = 12,543

Infected countries = 51

Virus-free countries = 1 (Lesotho)

April 18: Sékou Kourouma: Guinea’s chief of staff succumbs

Guinea recorded a second high-profile death from COVID-19 within a 24-hour period after that of elections body head Amadou Salif Kebe was announced on Friday, April 17.

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