BlackFacts Details


500 Years later

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Movie: Goodbye Uncle Tom (1971)

JAN CAREW - Black Seminoles - pt. 1

JAN CAREW - Black Seminoles - pt. 2

Abraham Lincoln: What They Wont Teach You in School - Duration: 9:54. ThinkOutsideTheTV 247,194 views

The Real reason slavery Ended the Truth about the civil war - Duration: 7:04. infomationiskey 136,941 views

Why didnt Lincoln Immediately Free the Slaves? - Duration: 3:59. Discerning History 22,912 views

What Booth Said After He Killed Lincoln - Duration: 3:15. Smithsonian Channel 1,675,908 views

History myth, Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves - Duration: 12:26. Ashley Weill 2,796 views

Dr. Umar Johnson Given Us History On President Abraham Lincoln - Duration: 2:09. NehemiYAH 1,600 views

The REAL Deal..... Good Ole Abe and The Emancipation Proclamation - Duration: 11:02. The Great Griot 19,999 views

Thomas DiLorenzo - The Real Abe Lincoln - Duration: 11:45. LibertyPen 18,378 views

What Caused the Civil War - Duration: 3:46. vahistorical 111,693 views

MUST WACHT!!! DR UMAR JOHNSON - WE FREED OURSELVES AND ABARHAM LINCOLN - Duration: 14:17. 60,000,000.00 Views 13,432 views

The Emancipation Proclamation Explained: US History Review - Duration: 8:45. Keith Hughes 32,207 views

Why Lincoln ended slavery - Duration: 1:23. CNN 10,252 views

SHOCKING Coincidences - Duration: 7:29. SingForHisGlory 465,843 views

(NEW)Dr Umar Johnson Educates Pro-Black Internet Radio Host On Pope Visit, Religion & Ben Carson - Duration: 29:04. OccupyBlackWallSt 69,300 views

RBG-THE STORY OF MARCUS GARVEY-A Documentary Film - Duration:

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