BlackFacts Details

Essence survey: Black mothers worry their children will be victims of police brutality

– 76% of Black mothers worry their children will be victims of police brutality –

– 84% Point to New Laws/Legislation that Hold Police More Accountable as the Best Way for Black People to Be Protected from Police Brutality –

– 58% Say They Are More Likely than Ever to Vote as a Result of President Trump’s Response to the George Floyd Killing and Nationwide Protests –

– Survey Also Finds that Black Women Experience Racism Most Frequently in the Workplace–

As the nation focuses as never before in this generation on systemic injustices and inequities impacting Black people in America, ESSENCE, the leading media, technology and commerce company serving Black women and communities, today released findings from its latest ESSENCE Insights survey of Black women on racism.

The survey indicates that an overwhelming majority (93%) of Black women in the U.S. have experienced racism in their lifetime, with 67% saying they face racism a few times a year and more than 1 in 10 (14%) facing racism as often as weekly or more.

In addition, Black women are not optimistic about what their children’s experiences with racism in America will be or that positive systemic social change will result from this moment.

Despite the surge of nationwide protests and international attention being brought to the issue, the majority (54%) of Black women are still unsure and roughly one-quarter (24%) do not think any positive systemic social change will happen in America following the protests sparked by the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor.

Accordingly, Black women are largely supportive of the efforts and partnership with non-Black people to help bring about positive change, with 65%  believing that allies (non-Black) are effective in the fight for social and economic justice and equity for Black Americans, and  80% encouraged by the support of white Americans protesting police brutality and racism since the George Floyd killing.

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