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Harriet Tubman Facts: Underground Railroad and More

Harriet Tubman was a fugitive slave, underground railroad conductor, abolitionist, spy, soldier, Civil War, African American, nurse, known for her work with Underground Railroad, Civil War service, and later, her advocacy of civil rights and woman suffrage.

Occupation: Fugitive slave, underground railroad conductor, abolitionist, spy, soldier, Civil War, African American, nurse

Dates: About 1820 - March 10, 1913

Also known as: Araminta Green or Araminta Ross (birth name), Harriet Ross, Harriet Ross Tubman, Moses

Harriet Tubman Day is celebrated on March 10 in her honor.

Born a slave in Maryland, Harriet Tubman escaped to freedom in 1849. She later led more than 300 other slaves to the North and to Canada to their freedom. The best-known conductor on the Underground Railroad, she was acquainted with many of the social reformers and abolitionists of her time, and she spoke against slavery and for womens rights.

During the Civil War, Tubman served with the U.S. Army in South Carolina as a nurse, scout, spy, and soldier. Most famously she led the Combahee River expedition, under the command of James Montgomery, helping to blow up Southern supply lines and free hundreds of slaves. 

In the almost half-century she lived after the war ended, Harriet Tubman helped a biographer publish her life story, spoke for the rights of women and African Americans, helped organize the AME (African Methodist Episcopal) Zion Church, and set up a home for indigent aged African Americans.

Harriet Tubman fought for a military pension, but was only able to win a widows pension on account of her second husbands service. When Harriet Tubman died, the people of Auburn buried her with full military honors. 

New England Anti-Slavery Society, General Vigilance Committee, Underground Railroad, National Federation of Afro-American Women, National Association of Colored Women, New England Womens Suffrage Association, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church

“Don’t ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.” 

These words