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Minneapolis park playgrounds, courts and fields to reopen in two weeks

As Governor Walz’s Executive Order 20-56 went into effect Monday to safely reopen Minnesota’s economy and ensure safe non-work activities during Stay Safe MN, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is beginning to slowly re-open courts, play areas, skateparks and sport fields over the next two weeks with the expectation that park visitors will follow social distancing guidance outlined in the order.

In Executive Order 20-56, the Governor encourages public outdoor recreational facilities be open for families and children, and directs all individuals utilizing such facilities to follow the Department of Natural Resources’ Outdoor Recreation Guidelines, which were updated yesterday, May 18, and include the following guidelines for the public:

The MPRB urges park visitors to follow the executive order and the outdoor recreation guidelines.

I urge all Minneapolis residents take the state guidelines seriously, take personal responsibility, and practice social distancing in parks to protect themselves and others,” said Superintendent Al Bangoura.

We welcome the opportunity to reopen these park amenities to serve youth, families and park visitors who are properly social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

RE-OPENING OVER NEXT TWO WEEKS, with the expectation of social distancing, no more than 10 people per amenity, and no team sports:

CURRENTLY OPEN (or OPENING SOON), some with modifications per Executive Order more information about the MPRB’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and sign up to receive email updates selecting “COVID-19” in the “News Updates” section.

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