The community of Donald Trump supporters became a haven for white supremacists and alt-right groups promoting racist content.
Earlier this month, The Washington Post interviewed researchers with content moderation company Sentropy that found “r/The_Donald” and other right-wing subreddits had three times as much hate speech containing racist, sexist, religious and homophobic attacks as other groups and had six times as much hate speech containing white supremacist extremism.
Just as Reddit was placing a ban on the subreddit, over the weekend Trump retweeted and then deleted a video this weekend featuring a man yelling "white power" at a rally in Florida.
During a White House press briefing on Monday, Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Trump was not listening closely and did not hear the "white power" phrase.
McEnany told Fox News once Trump was notified that the man was screaming "white power," he took it down, The Daily Beast reported.