Patricia Kingori, a 28-year-old Kenyan native, has become the youngest Black woman to receive tenure at the University of Oxford , according to Quartz Africa. In a statement released on Dec. 13, the university said the sociologist earned "this historic distinction in recognition of the quality and global impact of her research on academia and beyond." "To have my body of work recognized in this way is a great honor, and I am deeply grateful to the many people who have inspired and supported me so far," Kingori said. According to the university, the 28-year-old has served as an adviser to organizations such as WHO, Save the Children, Medecins San Frontieres and the Nuffield Council of Bioethics, as well as the Obama Administration’s White House Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment in Africa Initiative. Hey world! Please stand up & recognise Oxford’s youngest ever black woman full professor! She is Patricia Kingori, a Kenyan born sociologist whose primary expertise is in exploring the...