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Affordable health is vital in Trinidad and Tobago - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: A poor diet is the leading cause of death worldwide, contributing to approximately 11 million deaths each year (Lancet Medical Journal, 2017).

A healthy diet is one which is balanced with both macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients include carbohydrates, proteins and fats while micronutrients include vitamins and minerals.

Fruits, vegetables, nuts and healthy fats should be prioritised. However, the question is really: How can these foods be a priority in the country when healthier options are often much more expensive than junk food?

When prices are high and income is low, most families or individuals buy cheaper options and these may lead to further health risks. These unhealthy options can include canned foods, juice concentrated with sugar, processed meats and sodas. Muffins or cakes may even be more expensive than fruit, leaving the public to buy what is affordable.

It can also be argued that unhealthy foods such as snacks are placed at eye level on shelves and even at the front racks of stores, catching the eyes of customers. If these snacks were replaced with healthier alternatives like sugarless fruit juices or simply fruits, it would greatly benefit the population.

Then there are the health risks associated with these foods, such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease, which are common non-communicable diseases in TT. In fact, according to the Diabetes Association of TT (DATT), diabetes is the nation’s second leading cause of death. And that the rate of diabetes (12-13 per cent) is almost twice the global average.

It is important to note that an unhealthy population leads to a strain on the healthcare system and an overall decrease in productivity for the country.

Clearly, something must be done to address this issue as it can seriously affect the population as a whole. As a result, it is suggested that healthier foods be made more affordable and cheaper than that of unhealthy/junk food. Health should be made affordable.


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