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Audacious hope for a better tomorrow - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: Some of us wake up today and have breakfast while contemplating the challenges of another day. There are others who wake up in pain and for them it is another day of struggling to survive. Yet there are others who wake up to the beauty of nature, they enjoy their meals and look forward to another day or gaining increased wealth.

Whatever our position, a lot of what we experience today is a result of what transpired in our lives years ago. Whether we were directly or indirectly responsible for our 'todays,' we are reaping the fruits of seeds sown in our past.

Hope allows us to dream of a better tomorrow. In TT that better tomorrow envisages basics like a reliable water supply and good roads. For a better tomorrow there must be safe communities, trustworthy quick justice, updated community sporting facilities, easy access to government services and an economy that allows for growth and development.

But hope visualises more than that. Hope allows for one to dream of sending one's children to schools with clean comfortable cafeterias, sporting facilities, dedicated teachers, safe spaces and reliable modern infrastructure. It allows one to see their children graduating from our universities and gaining employment that allows them to buy a home, a car and raise a family without much stress.

Hope sees our best economists charting a path that over time smoothly transforms the economy from energy-based to a multifaceted approach where manufacturing, technology, agriculture, tourism, sports, medicine, education and subsidies of the energy sector all contributing to a long-term sustainable economy.

Hope allows one to dream of not having to worry about others reaping one's crop, or house-breaking or one's children killed by gang activities or gun violence. Hope sees an efficient police service, with modern equipment, structured patrols and the appointment of a commissioner of police independent of political influence, one based on merit and competence.

Hope also takes one to places that do not now exist. A causeway from the Mucurapo Foreshore to Chaguaramas and another roadway from Maqueripe along the North Coast connecting Maracas, Blanchisseuse and Matelot giving access to some of the best beaches and fishing areas in an environmentally friendly manner. Hope allows for fishing jetties along our coast lines and new roads connecting all our major towns and villages.

Hope allows one to dream of all this development providing employment for our graduates - engineers, technicians, doctors, lawyers, business personnel and entertainers. It sees our many children struggling abroad returning to the land of their birth, sharing their knowledge and skills in rebuilding TT.

All of this and so much more is possible if we dare to hope. But for hope to be transformed to reality there must be sowing those seeds today. Join organisations that promote hope for a better tomorrow and commit to real change. Act today for a better tomorrow.


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