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Beware dangers at Macqueripe - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: This is an open letter to the Chaguaramas Development Authority (CDA) and to members of the general public who are accustomed visiting, or intend to visit, the Macqueripe Beach facility.

I visit the area occasionally to snorkel and have observed that a $20 fee is charged to enter, but there is no fixed security presence. There are occasional patrols by CDA police and even more rarely by the TTPS in the car park area.

Additionally, there is a sign which indicates that lifeguards will be on duty from 10 am, but during the times I have visited, lifeguards would arrive at 11 am or simply not at all.

The presence of fishermen on the rocks to the right of the bay and occasionally spearmen in the waters are potential hazards. Last Sunday a swimmer became entangled in a fishing line and almost drowned.

His attempts at signalling for assistance were not observed and again there were no lifeguards on duty to respond, although it was approximately 10.30 am when this incident occurred.

Thankfully, the man kept his wits about him and had a flotation device in tow which helped to keep his head above water while he struggled to and eventually freed himself.

For those who are not aware, fishing is not permitted in this area and from this life-threatening incident one can understand the reason for this.

Finally, be aware that there is no security presence on the beach itself, therefore people should secure their valuables while in the water. Also be aware of groups that sometimes engage in a bit of unruly behaviour while drinking and smoking illicit substances.

Macqueripe is a swimmer's paradise, but these are the issues users and potential visitors need to be aware of as they can serve to turn what should be a memorable outing into an unforgettable nightmare.

The CDA is the legal authority responsible for the upkeep of this beautiful bay and therefore the onus is on it to seriously upgrade the quality of the service provided in the interest of the safety of beachgoers. Hopefully this is done sooner rather than later.


Diego Martin

The post Beware dangers at Macqueripe appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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