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Bring back T&TEC downtown office - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: Quite recently I visited the city of Port of Spain to conduct personal business that included the payment of an electricity utility bill, at its downtown sub-office on South Quay. I was informed by the security personnel that it had been removed, and I needed to trek my way to the T&TEC main office on Park Street.

I found this move to be disheartening indeed to citizens who used this convenience to pay their utility bill. That being so, I had no choice but to go to the head office. After standing in line for a short moment, I completed the transaction and asked the cashier (a very polite young lady) about the removal of the payment office from the downtown location, to which she replied that it was a management decision, without any collaboration whatsoever.

I am concerned that this was a rather high-handed approach without informing the general public who used this convenience over the years.

From a personal point of view, I am not bashing the electricity commission which has increased its level of efficiency and maintenance over the years, and is on the right track to further the development of service to the needs of our blessed nation.

I would like to humbly ask the indulgence of the honourable minister, Mr Marvin Gonzales, in charge of public utilities on the said matter to assist in reversing the decision, the removal of the downtown facility to return a level of convenience to its paying customers.

At times in life, the small issues outweigh the importance of larger issues, especially with climate change being a major factor in our lives.



The post Bring back T&TEC downtown office appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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