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Causes of stillbirth - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Dr Maxwell Adeyemi

The experience of stillbirth is never an easy one for any woman, so traumatic may be the situation that some may end up in depression.

A stillbirth is when a baby dies after the 20th week of pregnancy. The baby could have passed away in the uterus weeks or hours before delivery. The baby rarely dies during delivery. Stillbirths can still occur even with improvements in prenatal care over the years.

When women lose their baby between the 20th week of pregnancy and birth, it is known as a stillbirth. If they lose the baby before the 20th week, it is typically known as a miscarriage.

Stillbirths can be distressing for parents since many of them occur in normal pregnancies.

Types of stillbirth

Stillbirths are categorised into three types: an early stillbirth, a late stillbirth, or a term stillbirth. These are determined by counting the duration of the pregnancy:

• Early stillbirth occurs if the foetus passes away between 20 and 27 weeks of the pregnancy.

• Late stillbirth occurs if the foetus passes away between 28 and 36 weeks of the pregnancy.

• Term stillbirth occurs if the foetus passes away in the 37th week of pregnancy or after.

Symptoms of a stillbirth

A stillbirth typically has no warning signs. However, the following symptoms could suggest a problem.

• Vaginal bleeding, particularly in the second half of pregnancy, can indicate a problem with the baby. However, many women who suffer vaginal bleeding in their pregnancy go on to have a successful pregnancy.

• Lack of movement or an alteration in the baby's regular activity.

Causes of stillbirth

It is important to know the cause of the stillbirth to help the parents with the grieving process. The causes of about a third of stillbirth cases are not always known. However, the probable causes include the following:

• Pregnancy and labour complications causes nearly one-third of stillbirths. It can include pre term labour, twin pregnancy or triplets, and separation of the placenta, which supplies nutrients and oxygen to the baby from the womb.

• Placental problems, including a lack of blood flow to the placenta, occur in about one-fourth of stillbirth cases.

• Developmental abnormalities - genetic or structural disorders in the foetus can cause more than one in ten stillbirth cases.

• Infection - an infection in the foetus, the placenta, or pregnant woman can cause stillbirths. It is noticed in more than one in ten stillbirth cases.

• Umbilical cord problems can cause about one in ten stillbirths. For instance, the cord can become tangled, or wrap around the neck of the foetus, cutting off the oxygen supply to the foetus.

• High blood pressure - some types of hypertension may contribute to stillbirths. It can include chronic high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia, a condition involving high blood pressure linked to pregnancy.

• Medical conditions in pregnant women -

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