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Chickens have come home to roost - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: The boldfaced robbery at gunpoint of Minister of Health Terrance Deyalsingh of his gold bera should send a clear message to the goodly gentleman that at least crime has come home to him, if not the entire cabinet as it has to the entire country.

It appears that Deyalsingh was of the view that he was exempted from such an atrocity on the ground that he was a minister of government or that he is a well-known personality in St Joseph – if not the entire country. For it was reported that a few minutes after the robbery he was speaking to a minister of government, via phone (most likely the Minister of National Security) and he exclaimed: “Two fellas walked up to me, put a gun to mih head and robbed me of my bracelet, just letting you know

where crime has reached."

This robbery took place on Tuesday, September 17, in broad daylight in the presence of several witnesses at a busy intersection in St Joseph. Deyalsingh in his utterances to the minister said: "Minister, so I am in St Joseph in my constituency, five o’clock, hot sun, sitting outside Nyahbinghi bar opposite the church with a constituent. Two fellas walked up to me, point a gun to mih head and robbed me of my bracelet.”

One person who witnessed the robbery told the press that Deyalsingh initially resisted but when he realised they were going to shoot him, he let them take the bracelet. Another said the bandits knew who he was.

That gold bera Deyalsingh was wearing in broad daylight is worth at least $35,000. Why would he be openly showing off such a bracelet? The answer is simple. He foolishly believes that as a minister of government the criminals would not dear touch him with their crimes. He believes, as many other members of cabinet, that they are untouchable.

Both Fitzgerald Hinds and Keith Scotland wear similar bracelets. So I say to them: “Watch out my friends, the chickens have come home to roost.”

When that gun was placed to the minister’s head and he initially resisted the robbery he could have been killed. I am relieved that no physical harm was inflicted upon him but I am sure that he would have nightmares for years about this unfortunate incident.

I wonder whether Minister Deyalsingh would now insist that the chairman of National Security Council, Dr Keith Rowley and the two ministers in charge of national security, namely Fitzgerald Hinds and Keith Scotland, devise a workable policy and plans to stem the unprecedented violent crimes in the country.

Justice for all.



Criminal Bar Association

Editor's note: Police reported the estimated value of the stolen bracelet to be $10,000.

The post Chickens have come home to roost appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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