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Courts aren’t the answer, Chamisa told

BY MOSES MATENGA EXILED former Zanu PF national commissar Saviour Kasukuwere has advised MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa against perennially resorting to the courts to settle political problems rocking the opposition party, but to take the game back to the people. In a virtual interview with Centre for Innovation and Technology (CITE) director Zenzele Ndebele yesterday, Kasukuwere accused MDC-T president Thokozani Khupe of grabbing the MDC Alliance using the courts after suffering a massive electoral defeat in 2018.“Politics is about the people and Nelson must take the game back to the people,” Kasukuwere said. “Let the people make decisions. It is about the people voting and the verdict will come from the people. “If they are to go to the by-elections and a determination is made by the people, it will make all those making those decisions think twice. As it stands, the people’s will and the people’s decision is being undermined on a daily basis.” Khupe contested the 2018 elections under the MDC-T banner and garnered a paltry 45 000 votes against Chamisa’s over two million. “Did people vote for Khupe? The answer is no, and for Khupe, to walk in and say I am now the president of this party, MDC Alliance, I think at a personal level, I wouldn’t take such a position because I know that I wouldn’t get 45 000 votes.” “I wouldn’t want to take an institution that somebody has built. We all know the game at play and at the end of the day, do you get the best results out of the courts or it is a political game?” Kasukuwere asked rhetorically. Chamisa has accused Zanu PF and the courts of using Khupe in plotting his downfall. This was after his party was left in chaos following a Supreme Court ruling in March that declared him an illegitimate leader of the opposition party. Khupe, ruled the interim president, has recalled 84 councillors voted for under Chamisa as well as 21 MPs, apart from grabbing the party’s Morgan Richard Tsvangirai House and recently the name MDC Alliance. Kasukuwere and his G40 colleagues, forced into exile after the November 2017 coup, have been accused by President Emmerson Mnangagwa of propagating falsehoods to create in impression of a country in a crisis. This followed the deployment of delegations by South Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa whose country insists Harare is in a crisis, an assertion denied by the ruling party. Kasukuwere said Mnangagwa’s rise to power in Zanu PF should be challenged, but ruled out taking the legal route saying “a political fight is fought politically”. “I always look at what history has taught us,” he said. “At what point do you get the law on your side especially when you have a system which is desirous to protect its turf? “Are you sure you can go to the courts today as it is and put a case and win it? Are you sure you can challenge the coup in a court of law when the courts themselves just a few days after the coup said it was a legal process?” He added: “I think people go to court for different reasons but in politics, you don’t need to go to court. You need to p

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