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COVID-19 policy briefs must be realistic

guest column:Puleng Segalo/Adeyemi Oladapo Aremu/ Pradeep Kumar Just over a year after the coronavirus was first reported in China countries are still reeling from its effects. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19 disease, has infected over 90 million people globally and resulted in more than 1,9 million deaths. In January 2021, South Africa has the highest number of cases on the African continent and has seen a surge in daily infections since December. The race to find and provide effective vaccines and therapeutics continues. Non-pharmaceutical interventions are still needed to limit the transmission of COVID-19. They include isolating cases, quarantining contacts as well as relevant, accurate and timely communication. Hand and respiratory hygiene, infection control and prevention are also vital. Evidence-based research and interventions are important in the fight against COVID-19. But it is equally important to pay attention to social measures and people’s everyday experiences. These contribute to adherence to government regulations relating to COVID-19. Adherence isn’t always easy or possible in certain circumstances. For example, living conditions may make it difficult to keep a safe distance, and access to water may be limited. In view of these potential difficulties, a group of young scientists who are part of the Young Academies of Sciences from southern Africa came together to discuss how policy briefs that focus on non-pharmaceutical interventions could be made more accessible for the general public and policy makers alike. The group comprised experts in the behavioural, social, natural, health and human sciences. In particular, we drew from policy briefs compiled by a public health initiative called Resolve to Save Lives. This initiative puts together data on COVID-19 trends in Africa from multiple sources. These briefs target decision makers involved in the COVID-19 response in Africa, including national task forces and emergency operation centres. Issues and possible solutions The briefs are intended to inform public health and social measures in Africa. They are based on social, economic, epidemiological, population movement, and security data from 20 African Union member States. The briefs highlight the various strategies African governments have taken in responding to COVID-19 and whether these are effective or not. We discussed the briefs in a closed webinar. It aimed to assess whether the briefs take into account the real experiences of people in our communities. The people invited to the webinar included academics, students and representatives of non-governmental organisations. The webinar highlighted some big issues. These are listed below: Environmental factors are important in the southern African region’s responses to COVID-19. Most countries in the region did not have a disaster management plan in place, and this contributes to environmental challenges. An example is the disposal of used masks on the streets, with many ending up in river

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