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Demerit points do not work in this case - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: A very close friend of mine was disqualified from driving as a result of the demerit points system. This happened one month ago, and he was disqualified for a period of six months, having acquired demerit points that warrant disqualification for the specified period.

Prior to his disqualification the Licensing Division served him a written notice, via registered mail, for him to give reasons why he should not be disqualified from driving. He complied with the notice, stated he was guilty of a misdemeanour, and that he was sorry for his actions. He would try his utmost best not to repeat the violation in the future.

Two weeks later he was served a second notice stating that he had been disqualified from driving for a period of six months. He must surrender his driver's licence within 14 days of receipt of the notice.

Failing to comply, what action would be taken against him?

As someone who owns a vehicle and has been driving for the past 30 plus years, I don't see the sense in someone acquiring demerit points that warrants disqualification.

Why should the Licensing Division ask someone, via registered mail, to give a reason why they should not be disqualified from driving? This is just a matter of formality.

The licensing division falls under the Ministry of Works and Transport. When a licensing officer, police officer or traffic warden observes a driver committing a traffic violation, they immediately issue the driver a ticket. They don't ask for a verbal reason why they should not be ticketed.

When a driver is ticketed and acquires demerit points that warrants disqualification, that person should immediately be served a written notice, via registered mail, stating that they are disqualified from driving for a specified period and they are to surrender their driver's licence within 14 days of receipt of the notice.



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