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Discussion vital on all coat of arms elements - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: The coat of arms is an official emblem, mark of identification, symbol of the authority of the government of a nation or state. In effect it is really the seal of state of the government and arguably the most important of the national emblems, and it is located at the top of all government documents.

It is my view, therefore, that a decision to alter the coat of arms should not have been made by the political directorate at its party convention, taking into account the implications for such a change, which is not the responsibility of any political party, but the responsibility of the State.

So, what is the history behind the design of the existing coat of arms?

It was designed by a committee formed in 1962 to select the symbols that would be representative of the people of TT. The committee included noted artist the late Carlisle Chang and Carnival designer the late George Bailey.

The coat of arms with the accompanying motifs which represent indigenous features of TT were selected and formally agreed to be used as the coat of arms in 1962, in a design approved by the College of Arms.

So, could one element or image be removed without altering the intent and meaning of the original design as was approved by the College of Arms?

If after 62 years politicians now see the need to effect a change to one element because of the negative historical connection, then maybe we have to consider if it is not time for us to review the contents of every element or image on the coat of arms and come up with a new design going forward.

For instance, most Tobagonians see the cocrico as noisy pest. Additionally, what were the other images intended to reflect?

A change in the design of the coat of arms should not only be about attempting to erase part of our history as it relates to the role played by Columbus and the colonisers. It should be about creating and designing a new coat of arms which would reflect what we stand for as a cosmopolitan people.

I suggest the need for a committee, as was done in 1962, to be formed to select the appropriate symbols that would be a positive and progressive representation of the people of TT, while keeping our history as Trinidadians/Tobagonians intact, as well as reflecting our advances.

Nuff said! Let us begin a meaningful conversation on this development and other not-so-related issues.


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