Source: Naomi Baker / Getty
The man who allegedly delivered Michael Jordan’s pizza the night before game 5 of the 1997 NBA Finals (“The Flu Game”) is calling bullsh*t on Tim Grover‘s food poisoning theory.
“[Craig] Fite, a self-proclaimed Chicago Bulls fan, claims that since everyone knew that the team had been staying at the Park City Marriott for the Finals, he wanted to be the one who handled the order of a large, thin and crispy pizza with extra pepperoni that was assumed to be for one of the players.
Fite said he followed all the food prep guidelines and went with the driver to ensure safe delivery,” Complex writes.
Fite says there was a ton of cigar smoke coming from Michael Jordan’s room and that Grover opened the door wide enough so that he could get a peek at Michael.
All in all, Fite is upset about the food poisoning allegation.