And how will therapists and mental health practitioners be able to help us, if they’re not also helping themselves?
“In “typical times”, some studies show that between 21% and 61% of mental health practitioners report moderate to high levels of burnout and compassion fatigue,” says Fialk.
As therapy has shifted to a virtual world and clients are literally entering the homes of their therapists through a computer screen, it is more important (and more difficult) than ever to protect our “personal” lives and Are Facing The Same Crisis are human!”
Therapists must be mindful of their own mental health stake during these times.
Fialk’s however offers a few tips for managing your mental health, while you’re helping to manage others: Regular individual clinical supervision; Group supervision and case conferencing with peers; Continued professional development and education; Self care in the form of meditation, mindfulness, yoga, exercise, aroma therapy; Journaling; Personal therapy and self-help groups; Scheduling 10-15 minute breaks between sessions; Creating boundaries; Communicate with family and make plans that protect your private work time to ensure kids, spouses, pets etc don’t walk in on a therapy session.