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Imbert: Education sector to receive new programmes - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

FINANCE Minister Colm Imbert said there are several initiatives which will be implemented in the education system during the upcoming fiscal year.

Speaking during the 2024/2025 budget presentation in Parliament on September 30, Imbert said one of these is a digital ecosystem that would revolutionise education delivery in the sector.

“These efforts culminate in the development of a numeracy adaptive learning platform by January 2025. This innovative platform will facilitate the creation of diagnostic databases and tailored numeracy experiences to foster numeracy development, remediation and progress monitoring for all students.”

He said an e-book platform will be implemented in June 2025 to transition teaching and learning from a textbook-dependent and instructor-centred approach to a more interactive and student-centric paradigm.

Imbert said GATE, HELP and the bursary programmes will undergo enhancements in 2024.

He said government will be investing more in teacher training.

The Finance Minister said government would be settling mutually agreed arrears with the University of the West Indies in 2025.

He said a $50 million Building Trinidad and Tobago or “BeTnT” initiative will be implemented based on the Community Recovery Committee’s recommendation and aims to uplift communities identified as at-risk by promoting community pride, social support, economic and human development.

Imbert said government will continue with apprenticeship programmes.

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