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Let's unite and demand justice for our temples - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: I write to express my deep concern and frustration regarding the recent spate of vandalism targeting Hindu temples, with the most recent incident occurring in Curepe. It is utterly disheartening to witness such blatant acts of disrespect and intolerance towards places of worship, which are sacred to the Hindu community.

What is even more alarming is the apparent lack of progress in apprehending the perpetrators of these heinous crimes. Despite the repeated attacks, it seems no one has been held accountable for their actions. This raises serious questions about the effectiveness of law enforcement in addressing and preventing such incidents.

Furthermore, I am disappointed by the seemingly muted response from organisations such as the Maha Sabha and political entities like the UNC. Where is the vocal condemnation and advocacy for justice from these influential voices within the Hindu community? It is imperative that they speak up more vociferously and take concrete steps to address this issue.

In addition, I am troubled by the absence of a unified response from the Hindu community at large. While we come together for significant religious events, such as yagnas and Divali Nagar, there appears to be a lack of co-ordinated action in the face of these disturbing attacks. It is time for us to stand in solidarity and demand justice for our temples and our faith.

It is evident that complacency is not an option in the face of such blatant acts of hatred and intolerance. We cannot afford to simply wait for the next incident to occur before taking action. We must demand accountability, both from law enforcement and from within our own community.

I urge all Trini Hindus to come together and demand justice for our temples. We cannot allow ourselves to become passive bystanders in the face of such injustice. Let us raise our voices, take to the streets if necessary, and demand an end to this senseless violence.


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