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Only a ‘proactive racist nationalism’ can liberate Black Africa - NewsDay Zimbabwe

THE concept of bantu, vanhu, batho or watu in Africa is not a new phenomenon. It has lived for centuries but has been under threat of subjugation by other emerging thoughts that seek to submerge Bantuism in Africa. In his book titled Choosing to be Chosen: A Prophecy for the Vanhu-Batho-Bantu Race-Nation, Tichaenzana Manyawu speaks as a messenger to the people of Africa by announcing the “sowing of the seed that shall sprout, grow, bear fruit and redeem all those of us who eat it.” In the book, Manyawu argues that his text is a foundational manual for Black Africans as they come together to rediscover and reconstitute their lost race-nation. In a nutshell, he presents the “prophecy” to the Black Africans. The thoughts and arguments by Manyawu are summarised and encapsulated in the review in plain terms the writer sees as the escape route for Africans. For several centuries, Black Africans have tried all they can to be prosperous and happy in their land. Bloody wars have been fought in the name of liberation from oppression yet the outcome of those wars and struggles is nothing other than bitter disappointment. The book argues that Black Africans have sent children to the White man’s school, thinking that by aping him they could be as successful on this planet as he has been. However, the more the schools and universities that have been built, the more the certificates earned have become passports to nowhere. Land, mines and industries have been wrestled and taken from the White man, only to realise that all that has been achieved is an extension of our cemeteries. As Black Africans have tried to live the White man’s life, everything that the White man had built for himself on their land has turned to ghastly ruins, leaving the African to reap only penury and death. Manyawu declares that now is the time for Black Africa to wake up from this nightmare. He submits that Black Africa’s forebears have been waiting to be reconciled with the present generation and help it to begin to experience true power. They are ready to lead us, their people, out of the quagmire of our madness. This, therefore, submits the writer, is Africa’s last chance before the doors of the hell made for us by the enemies of our race-nation shut inescapably behind us. Manyawu contends that now is the last opportunity presented to Black Africans to build a nation made “in their own image” in order to ensure and assure the prosperity, security and dignity of all people. The book announces that the time has now come to break the chains binding Black African minds and bodies to their slave masters. Manyawu predicts that the Vanhu-Batho-Bantu race-nation shall live in peace and justice by casting off the double-curse weighing heavily on their lands and lives. On one hand, this race is cursed by its ancestors that it has denigrated while on the other it is cursed by the ancestors of its colonisers who wish to eternally subdue it for the sake of their own descendants. When African people reconcile with their ancestors, this double curse shall be replaced

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