From the negligent federal response to Hurricane Maria, which killed about 3,000 people, to the imposition of an unelected and undemocratic fiscal control board and the capricious slashing of federal funds covering health care, housing, education and other services, Puerto Ricans have been demanding a reevaluation of the current relationship. Such reassessment should honor the democratic voices of those on the island and close the chapter on its 122-year-old colonial history with the US.
Addressing the historical dysfunction in this relationship, which enables the federal government to treat over 3 million people residing on the island as second-class US citizens, begins with providing Puerto Ricans the opportunity to be heard through a fair, transparent and legally-binding self-determination process that reflects the diversity of options different Puerto Ricans support around the island's future political status.
The dysfunctional relationship started in 1898 when an island full of people with a distinct culture and identity was handed from one "owner" (Spain) to another. This was akin to a real estate transaction at the end of the Spanish-American War --with no regard to the well-being and the interests of its people. Since then, a series of US court decisions along with arbitrary and unfair policies have hampered Puerto Rico's growth. This includes the 1920 Merchant Marine Act (or Jones Act), which for the last 100 years has imposed shipping restrictions on the Island that increase the cost of goods coming in, while at the same time, protects a corporate shipping monopoly.
To read that President Donald Trump considered selling Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria obliterated the island in 2017 is a reflection of the reality that this US territory, to this day, has been denied one of the most basic human rights: self-determination.
There is an opportunity to turn the page. The "great awakening" we are in the midst of —prompted by unchecked police brutality, voter suppression and the unmasking of systemic racism— is the moment to reevaluate our current democratic and social contract with fresh perspectives and new voices.
To eradicate the systemic racism at the root of this colonial problem —and for our people to determine our own destiny— leaders in Washington have to commit to providing Puerto Ricans a self-determination process that includes all the status options widely recognized in Puerto Rico and Washington: independence, statehood, a modified commonwealth or free association.
Puerto Rico has held five non-binding votes, meaning that Congress has not committed to honoring any of the results. Another plebiscite slated for November is already controversial because it's rigged to only benefit the statehood option and, last month, the US Department of Justice announced it will not disburse funds towards this process.
While the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, has promised a real self-determination process that includes all options and to work on a bill with Congress that actually sol