Point Foundation (Point), the nation’s largest scholarship granting organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) students, announced June 24 its 2020 scholarship recipients.
Point also welcomes 36 new students to their Community College Scholarship Program.
In addition to touting the largest scholar class in the history of the organization, Point announced that they will be creating a new scholarship fund for BIPOC who are LGBTQ.
We know we can do more to broaden our support of students who are Black, Indigenous and People of Color and so we are pleased to announce the Point Foundation BIPOC LGBTQ Scholarship Fund.
The 2020 Point Scholars, including their area of study, degree, school, and Named Scholarship (where applicable) are as follows:
The 2020 recipients of the Point Community College Scholarship, including their area of study, school, and Named Scholarship (where applicable) are as follows: