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Run, Dr Rowley, run - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: From media reports, it appears the Prime Minister dodged or may I say ran away from reporters' questions concerning runaway crime in Trinidad and Tobago.

I have to say this is not surprising as the Prime Minister has lost the war against crime. Murders every day, home invasions now the norm and I can speak on the latter having been a victim myself. The Prime Minister who claimed to have the answer to fight crime has failed, along with his failing Minister of National Security.

This Government continues to govern without a plan, without any solution and cannot give a glimmer of hope to the nation. However, what the Prime Minister did was to appoint a new junior minister in the Ministry of Works and Transport, to appease who, I really do not know.

What the Prime Minister ought to have done was remove Hinds as Minister of National Security.

Return the National Operations Centre and give citizens a chance to breathe. Every sector of society is under siege and the Government is just not doing anything to solve the crime problem.

The Prime Minister is the head of the Government and also head of the National Security Council but he appears deaf to the cries of the people on whose behalf he swore an oath to serve.

People are crying out. At the funerals of murder victims, at the homes of our elderly after they have been robbed and beaten. People are crying out for security and justice.

Mr Prime Minister, having ran away from the media, who don't you keep on running and call the general elections now.

Time to let the citizens have their say and put a government that can actually fight crime and give them justice.



The post Run, Dr Rowley, run appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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