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The Mickey Mouse plant - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Judy Maryoung-St Martin

WHEN I first saw a picture of the Mickey Mouse bush what immediately came to mind was the sorrel plant with its red sepals and green seed within. I knew this could not be the sorrel plant as it was too thick. I inquired from the person who sent me the picture if she knew its name. She had no idea as this plant just appeared in her garden some years ago. When she saw it, she decided to leave it alone and see what plant it would turn out to be.

I was fascinated by this plant when I saw it. The array of colours stirred my curiosity. I eventually found that it is the Mickey Mouse plant (Ochna serrulata), named not for the leaves or blooms, but for the black berries that resemble the face of Mickey Mouse. Its ripe black fruit looks like Mickey Mouse’s ears when turned upside down, and its bright red sepals look like his trousers. It is an ornamental garden plant in the family Ochnaceae which is indigenous to South Africa. It is an invasive species in Australia and New Zealand.

[caption id="attachment_1096088" align="alignnone" width="696"] Mickey Mouse flower. -[/caption]

Further searching for information, on this unusual shrub, found that if you want to attract butterflies and bees to your garden, Mickey Mouse plant is a good choice. The plant is suitable for growing in warm temperatures.

The Mickey Mouse plant, native to subtropical southern Africa, is also known as carnival bush, Mickey Mouse bush, or small leaved plane. The plant is a small, semi-evergreen shrub that reaches maturity at heights of three to eight feet ( one - two metres).

[caption id="attachment_1096092" align="alignnone" width="696"] Mickey Mouse seed burst open. -[/caption]

The plant grows in nearly any well-drained soil. It thrives in soil with compost or other rich organic material. It tolerates either full sunlight or partial shade. The plant’s care is minimal given suitable conditions and it can endure dry periods. An occasional light pruning will stimulate new shoots and keep the plant compact and shapely. The plant is often distributed by birds that eat the seeds and, in some cases, it can become weedy. The Mickey Mouse plant while non-toxic, still warrants a basic level of awareness. Ensure everyone is aware the plant is for viewing pleasure only. Direct contact with the sap could cause mild irritation.

Mickey Mouse plant does well in rocky gardens, and is also easily grown in containers. The plant fits well in a wildlife garden. Since it tolerates wind and sea spray, it is also a good choice for a coastal garden. Long ago the plant was used by nurserymen who sold the plant in potted form. Within a short period, it became popular as a lucky plant. When watering your plant balance is critical. Overwatering leads to soggy soil and droopy leaves. Similarly, a parched plant will wilt. A good averaging for the plant’s well being is to let the soil dry slightly between watering

The carnival bush is very colourful and goes through several stages. The plant loses its shiny green leaves, then, they are repl

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