This law of nature was on full display last week when former Democrat Vice President and now presumed Democratic Party Presidential nominee Joe Biden stated, in one of those rare times of levity and honesty, exactly how he and his Democrat colleagues view black Americans.
He has never lost a federal election even though he: wrote the1994 Clinton Crime Bill that imprisoned millions of young black men for petty crimes; supports murder, which is government-funded abortion during birth; keeping poor black children locked in failing government schools; legalizing drugs, violating freedom of religion; government-funded transgender operations and disarming the population.
He provided more jobs to black Americans, more economic opportunities, more money to HBCU’s than any other president and started a program to release the black men that Joe Biden locked up.
Voluntarily and happily accepting the aforementioned abuse from a man that has publicly harmed the black community as often as Joe Biden, vividly illustrate this premise.
Until black Democrats arise and show the signs of power that only come from the convictions of free people and retaliate against those that kill their children, imprison their men and separate them from their GOD, no one will or should come to their defense.