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US $5.5m to Caribbean will boost security, but structure needed - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

US State Secretary Antony Blinken announced a $US5.5 million contribution to assist small farmers in the Caribbean while speaking at the 45th Caricom heads of government summit at the Hyatt Regency, Port of Spain, on Wednesday.

President of the TT Chamber of Industry and Commerce Kiran Maharaj said, "Food security is high on our regional agenda especially in light of the impacts of climate change and the climate justice issues which have arisen. Our food importation bill in this region is still too high and has a negative ripple effect on our people –from food prices to nutritional value."

She said this contribution will act as a catalyst for the Caribbean's agricultural sector and it is to be applauded.

"The significance of co-operation and collaboration for our region and our country (private sector, government and partners such the US) will undoubtedly result in the benefit of our people as we move towards the Caricom vision of 25 by 25."

Maharaj added that the gesture was indicative of the good relations between the US and the region.

Ramesh Ramdeen, CEO of the TT Manufacturer's Association said, "There has to be some kind of structure in place, you cannot just put the money into a deep hole. It has to go towards projects that will allow for the building of capacity, enhancement of capabilities and efficiencies, production techniques and probably more modernisation of the farming technique."

These are just some of the uses of the money put forward by Ramdeen.

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