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Why integrity remains vital in leadership

Jonah Nyoni A LEADER is someone who should be a good model in character and in doing. Society generally expects a high standard from leaders. Most leaders have fallen because they lacked integrity. In this article, I have created an acronym out of the word integrity. Integrity The Latin word for integrity is integer, meaning intact, whole, and not fragmented. This takes the leader to be upright and honest. These are rare characteristics to get in leaders of our generation. Norms Leaders should keep the standard high because so much is expected of them. Norms talk to our customs, standards, and the basis upholding of rules. Norms are small behaviours that add up to make a leader. When leaders are upright, they are bound to instil uprightness in those they lead. When wickedness becomes the norm, it is easy to lie, kill, bribe, and be involved in ungodly acts. Tests The integrity of a leader will and must be tested in one way or the other. It would have been better if people were tested using what they dislike, but the opposite is true; we are tempted by what catches the eye, the ear, and the heart. All in all, we must learn to stand in integrity. After 40 days and nights of fasting, one obvious thing is that Jesus craved for food, then the devil came and said turn these stones into bread. Some are tempted by money, sex, and even food. All these are sweet entanglements or they are honey traps. Engage When you become a loner, you are prone to danger and temptation. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you to be honest. Who is your inner circle? Who do you confide in? Grounded It’s impossible to be successful if you don’t have self-discipline. Self-discipline makes you avoid crooked shortcuts. Self-discipline is the glue to keep you grounded despite temptations or storms. For example, the moment you pay a bribe, it shows that you are not patient to go through a process. The problem with our leaders is that they want quick fixes and that douses the fulfilling process of being hands-on. Respect Respect is all about putting value in other people. Leadership is not a position to disrespect the people you lead. Do not see others as subservient and instruments to be used. Intention Build good intentions and attitudes. Be intentional in doing well and shunning what is bad. This is not easy, but it is possible. It might not be easy, but the Bible is replete with wise words that make and mould us to be leaders of integrity. Tone The leader sets the tone. You don’t just tell others that they should always tell the truth while you are not truthful. You influence people by your tone. Your tone is just like perfume, it permeates into the air without your effort. Set the right tone for your team members. Yielding The greatest thing a leader should do is to yield or submit to the will of God. Most leaders have failed because they thought true leadership is all about power or position. True leadership is about servanthood. When you fear God, you know how to treat His people and help them to fulfil His purpose. Yield to His wo

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