THE EDITOR: What is the secret in not disclosing the number of people who got their second dose of covid19 shots by vaccine-type?
The Ministry of Health provides the breakdown of the first vaccine by type - AstraZeneca and Sinopharm. Why is it lumping the second vaccine into one number and not disaggregate it as it's doing for the first dose? What can be the motive behind this? What is there to hide?
By providing this information the population will be able to know how many took the AstraZeneca vaccine and Sinopharm vaccine and are now fully vaccinated. This builds trust and confidence and shows transparency.
We would expect the number of people that are fully vaccinated with Sinopharm to be higher than with AstraZeneca eventually. This is because the time lapse between the first and second vaccines for Sinopharm is about two times shorter than AstraZeneca.
Further, and importantly, the public would also like to see the information on the distribution of the Pfizer vaccine just as it is done for the other vaccines. This transparency builds faith and confidence in the Government's roll-out plans for the incoming sets of vaccines from the US, Covax, Africa, etc.
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