POLICE yesterday blocked a planned Zanu PF march to the United States embassy in Harare in protest over the killing of US citizen George Floyd last week, but described the protest as a “noble cause” that should be shelved until the COVID-19 lockdown is over.
Zanu PF, through its national commissar Victor Matemadanda had planned a demonstration today at the embassy, but the police said the protests would break lockdown regulations.
“The office acknowledges receipt of your notification letter dated June 2, in which you intend to stage a demonstration against the killing of a black American George Floyd by the US police and the illegal economic sanctions at the US embassy on June 4, 2020.
Zanu PF and government officials have taken mass protests, that have engulfed US over the killing in of Floyd, a black man at the hands of a white policeman as an opportunity to attack the superpower, with Matemadanda claiming the US was behaving like the “chief justice of the world.”
Statements by the Zanu PF and government officials apparently angered the US government.