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Missy Elliott

Best Known As:

Singer of the song The Rain

A one-woman hip-hop media machine, Missy Misdemeanor Elliot first made her mark in the music business as a writer, penning songs in the 1990s for artists such as Aaliyah, Mariah Carey and Puff Daddy. She released her own album, Supa Dupa Fly, in 1997 to popular and critical success; shes been writing, performing and producing chart-topping singles and albums ever since. Elliott has won numerous awards for her videos and has collaborated with a variety of pop and hip-hop stars, including Mya, Pink, Busta Rhymes and Lil Kim. Her albums include Da Real World (1999), Miss E...So Addictive (2001), Under Construction (2002), This Is Not A Test (2003) and The Cookbook (2005). Shes recorded many dancehall favorites over the years, including Get Ur Freak On, Work It, Lose Control, and, with Ciara, 1,2 Step. One of the top-selling female rappers and producers in the business, she is a multiple Grammy winner and a familiar face on music television and magazine ads.

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