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Bountiful breadfruit - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

LOTS of breadfruit are available now, and who can resist? Its unique flavour and texture produces the great breadfruit oiled down when simmered in a coconut milk broth, fired up with hot peppers, and flavoured with local herbs; an oiled down (oil down, run down, mettagee) is certainly one of the most delicious local dishes around.

Whipped, baked, fried, sautéed or soufflé it’s a cook’s dream ingredient because of its versatility. Breadfruits are more readily available these days than before and there are two types also available, the yellow breadfruit, which tends to be a favourite because the flesh has a creamier texture and flavour than the white breadfruit which tends to be a little drier. However, they are both really wonderful when used in any of the recipes below. Remember breadfruit is a good source of complex carbohydrates and is rich in vitamins A, B and C.

Breadfruit pies

2 lbs breadfruit, peeled and cut into quarters

1 tsp salt

¼ cup melted butter

¼ cup flour

2 tbs vegetable oil

½ lb ground chicken

1 small onion minced

½ cup mixed fresh herbs, finely chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced

½ carrot, finely-chopped

⅓ cup chopped parsley

½ cup flour

1 egg

1 cup fine toasted breadcrumbs

Boil breadfruit in plenty of water and one tsp salt, until tender, 20 to 30 minutes.

While hot, crush breadfruit, add melted butter, and flour combine until mixture starts to stay together, knead for a few minutes, cover and set aside.

Heat oil in sauté pan, add garlic and onion, sauté for a few minutes, add carrot and fresh herbs, except parsley. Add chicken and cook until tender, season with salt and pepper.

Cook for about 15 minutes, remove, add parsley and cool mixture.

Flour a work surface and roll out breadfruit dough to about ¼-inch thickness.

With a 3-inch cutter, stamp out circles. Place about one tbs, filling on the lower portion of the circle, and fold over, seal with a fork.

Dust with flour, brush with beaten egg and roll in breadcrumbs.

Bake in a preheated 375 oven for about 15 minutes until golden.

Makes about 10 pies.

Breadfruit salad

1 3 to 4 lb breadfruit, boiled, cooled and cut into ½-inch cubes

⅓ cup chopped chadon beni

⅓ cup chopped parsley

¼ cup chopped chives

1 cup mayonnaise

juice of 1 large lemon

salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 red bell pepper, seeded and finely chopped

Place breadfruit in bowl add pepper, combine mayonnaise with all other ingredients, stir.

Add to breadfruit and combine, cover and refrigerate until ready for use.

Serves 6 to 8

Souffled breadfruit with fresh herbs

1 lbs breadfruit

2 tbs butter,melted

⅓ cup milk

2 eggs, separated

¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese

2 tbs chopped chives

2 tbs chopped parsley

1 tbs chopped thyme

¼ tsp grated

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